Vision & Mission
Vision :- Sitaram Samarpan Mahavidyalaya has been an institution of excellence in Higher Education that continuously responds to changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, aims to prepare students for success by creating an environment of ideas and excellence that nurtures intellectual, social, economic, and cultural developments. We wish to hold academic quality as the prime attribute of our institution, allocating human, physical and financial resources appropriate to our educational mission.
- To serve the society at large, by inculcating disciplined, confident and dedicated students committed to their profession.
- To instill in the students specific skills needed for discharging duties as competent members of society.
- To provide opportunities for realization of the student’s potential and cater to the needs of individual differences and creativity.
- To develop a sense of commitment and accountability in the students.
- To prepare the students confident enough to face the challenges in their day to day activities.
- To enhance the commitment of faculty, staff, and students to the centrality of diversity, social justice, and democratic citizenship.
- To provide leadership in the development of collaborative professional relationship with school organization and other institutions focused on the improvement of education in school and workplace.
- To sustain a caring, supportive climate throughout the College.